Magnolia Pearl Inspired Jabot

So, I love the frilly, lacey, vintage look of Magnolia Pearl’s Jabots and accessories. Probably because I love old lace, linens and fabrics. However, as a bookkeeper at the best elementary school in the world, I unfortunately don’t make a Magnolia Pearl worthy salary! However, I DO have a pretty good collection of antique lace handkerchiefs and collars to make my own knock-off version of what can sometimes be a $150-$200 neck accessory in the fancy schmancy world of Magnolia Pearl. Here is what I used:

  • 1/2 inch seam binding (I found mine here )

  • Antique lace collars and antique silk handkerchief. (I find these on numerous online selling sites and thrifting)

  • Sewing needle

  • Sewing machine

  • Thread

  1. First, I sewed the black 1/2 inch ribbon to the 1 inch tea stained ribbon. I liked the look of a thicker, two toned ribbon that would be more prominent than Magnolia Pearl’s thin black ribbon. Do what pleases you though!

  2. Next I arranged an antique lace collar and handkerchief in a way that please me and tacked them into position with needle and thread.

  3. Then, sewed on the ribbon to the top of my collar and handkerchief design. Tacking it all first keeps it all together making it easier to push through the sewing machine.

  4. Lastly, I tied a knot with the ribbon on each side of the jabot.

And voilà! A handmade jabot that I believe could rival any of Magnolia Pearl’s! The total I spent was around $35. The most expensive item was my antique lace collar that I purchased from eBay. I’d say $35 is better than $150-$200 any day!

Tell me what you think!

How do you think I did? What do you think of the Magnolia Pearl brand? Let me know in the comments! Till next time! TOOTLES!


1936 Angelus-Campfire Company Marshmallow Entrees