1920’s Good Pies Easy to Make

Pie! Or “piiiiiiiiiie” as we southern women say, the varieties are endless and I honestly prefer a delicious pie over cake or any other dessert really. My youngest son opts for an apple pie over a birthday cake every year and when my mama asked me what sweet treat I wanted for my birthday last year, I asked for a strawberry pie she makes with Jello and that bright red, ready-made strawberry gel you find in the produce section of the grocery store, near the packages of round, yellow shortcakes. It’s so good with Cool-Whip topping! 

  I’ve come across a few neat little antique cooking pamphlets and even some cookbooks specifically devoted to pie recipes. I thought I’d share a few of them with you this week. Let’s take a look at the first one, shall we?

This first booklet,  Good Pies Easy to Make is from Merrill-Soule Co. (Syracuse, N.Y.). Department of Dietetics and Cookery circa 1920-1929. You’ll see a few advertisements for Merrill-Soule Co. cooking products throughout the book like “None Such Mince Meat”, “KLIM Powdered Milk” and lemon juice sweetened with corn syrup. There’s even a cool Pyrex ad! We all love vintage Pyrex right? As much as I love Pyrex, I prefer an aluminum pie pan, especially if I want a crisp pie crust. I’ve used my own vintage Wear-ever pie pan in my photos. It’s my favorite pie pan. I love how the zig-zag edges make it effortless to crimp my pie crusts.
There are 21 pages of recipes, advertisements and the illustrated instructions are useful for beginners. Let’s take a look! 

Are you a mince meat fan? I have never had it in all of my 47 years! What’s your favorite pie recipe? I’d love to know! Tell me about it in the comments!
I’ll be bringing a very special antique cookbook to you this weekend. It’s very dear to me and I can’t wait to share it! I’ll be making an unusual pie recipe from it and I’ll share every step of the process with you! Till then, TOODLES!!


Nanny’s Southern Lemon Cheese Cake


1936 The Angelus Campfire Marshmallow Company’s Marshmallow Man!